
视野之家 2023-10-31 clz123 96801



Stock code: 000333 Stock name: Midea Group Announcement No.: 2023-086
Midea Group Co., Ltd.
Interim Report for the Third Quarter 2023
Midea Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and all the members of the Company’s Board of Directors have warranted that the information given in this Report is true, accurate and complete, as well as free of any false record, misleading statement or material omission.
Important Reminders:
1. The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as all the directors, supervisors and senior management staff of the Company have warranted that this Report contains no false record, misleading statement or material omission. And they shall be jointly and severally liable for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information given in this Report. 2. The legal representative, principal in charge of accounting and head of the accounting department
of the Company have represented and warranted that the financial information in this Report is true,
accurate and complete.
3. Is this Report audited by a CPA firm?
□Yes √No
This Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
1. Key financial information
1.1 Major accounting data and financial indicators
Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years? □Yes √No

  July-September 2023 YoY Change (%) January- September 2023 YoY Change (%)
Operating revenue (RMB'000) 94,122,108 7.32% 291,110,510 7.67%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company (RMB'000) 9,485,190 11.93% 27,717,481 13.27%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company before non-recurring gains and losses (RMB'000) 9,188,736 9.73% 26,840,589 11.53%
Net cash flows from operating activities (RMB'000) —— —— 44,787,056 51.96%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) 1.39 11.20% 4.06 13.09%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) 1.39 12.10% 4.05 13.13%
Weighted average ROE (%) 6.27% -0.19% 18.41% 0.05%
  30 September 2023 31 December 2022 Change (%)  
Total assets (RMB'000) 465,019,979 422,555,267 10.05%  
Net assets attributable to shareholders of the Company (RMB'000) 156,226,891 142,935,236 9.30%  
The Company recorded revenue of RMB21.3 billion, RMB21.2 billion, and RMB22.9 billion respectively from new energy & industrial technology, intelligent building technologies, and robotics &
automation during the nine months ended 30 September 2023, up 25%, 19%, and 17% respectively on a year-on-year basis.
1.2 Non-recurring gains and losses
√Applicable □N/A
Unit: RMB’000

Item July-September 2023 January-September 2023 Note
Gain or loss from disposal of non-current assets -30,510 -21,985  
Except for effectively hedging business related to normal business operations of the Company, gain or loss arising from the change in the fair value of financial assets held for trading, derivative financial assets, financial liabilities held for trading, derivative financial liabilities, and other non-current financial assets, as well as investment income or loss produced from the disposal of the aforesaid financial assets and liabilities 23,652 48,671  
Other non-operating income and expenses except 340,311 979,692  
above-mentioned items      
Less: Corporate income tax 52,836 138,099  
Minority interests (after tax) -15,837 -8,613  
Total 296,454 876,892 --
Particulars about other items that meet the definition of non-recurring gain/loss: □Applicable √N/A
No such cases for the Reporting Period.
Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as a recurring gain/loss item, which is enumerated as a non-recurring gain/loss in the :
□Applicable √N/A
No such cases for the Reporting Period.
1.3 Major changes of main items in financial statements and financial indicators, as well as the reasons for the changes
√Applicable □N/A
Unit: RMB’000

Financial statement items (consolidated) 30 September 2023/January- September 2023 31 December 2022/January- September 2022 Change (%) Reasons for the changes
Financial assets held for trading 10,961,011 3,284,593 233.71% Mainly due to the increased structured deposits
Other debt investments 6,265,554 11,094,259 -43.52% Mainly due to the decreased large- denomination negotiable certificates of deposit
Investment properties 1,363,365 809,936 68.33% Mainly due to the increased business combinations
Construction in progress 6,020,835 3,843,777 56.64% Mainly due to the increased business combinations
Other non-current assets 67,912,424 42,840,079 58.53% Mainly due to the increased investments in fixed-income products
Short-term borrowings 12,494,727 5,169,480 141.70% Mainly due to the increased trade financings
Customer deposits and deposits from banks and other financial institutions 118,328 77,469 52.74% Mainly due to the changes in the operations of the finance business
Taxes payable 6,587,520 4,955,335 32.94% Mainly due to the increased income tax payable
Current portion of non- current liabilities 20,454,107 7,240,626 182.49% Mainly due to the transfer from long-term borrowings
Lease liabilities 1,982,211 1,507,480 31.49% Mainly due to the new lease contracts
Provisions 670,072 394,977 69.65% Mainly due to the increased provisions for risk
Other non-current liabilities 30,033 680,482 -95.59% Mainly due to the payments for equity acquisitions
Other comprehensive income -372,801 108,289 -444.26% Mainly due to the changes in cash flow hedging reserve
Minority interests 12,035,366 8,988,566 33.90% Mainly due to the increased business combinations
Investment income 505,083 862,732 -41.46% Mainly due to the decreased investment income from the disposal of derivative financial assets and liabilities
Gains/(Losses) on changes in fair value 118,137 -1,042,032 111.34% Mainly due to the changes in the fair value of investments in equity instruments
Non-operating income 183,740 292,601 -37.20% Mainly due to the decreased government subsidies
Non-operating expenses 181,097 71,626 152.84% Mainly due to the increased other expenses
Income tax expenses 5,495,255 4,189,933 31.15% Mainly due to the increased profit before tax
Net profit attributable to minority interests 569,608 223,805 154.51% Mainly due to the increased profits of non-wholly-owned subsidiaries
Net cash flows from operating activities 44,787,056 29,472,352 51.96% Mainly due to the increased cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services
Net cash flows from investing activities -33,608,113 -18,705,995 -79.66% Mainly due to the increased cash paid to acquire investments
Net cash flows from financing activities -13,409,903 -1,171,191 -1044.98% Mainly due to the decreased cash received from borrowings
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -2,060,575 9,944,675 -120.72% Mainly due to the decreased net cash flows from investing activities

2. Shareholder information
2.1 Total number of common shareholders and preference shareholders with resumed voting rights, as well as shareholdings of the top ten shareholders at the period-end Unit: share

Total number of common shareholders at the period-end 325,280 Total number of preference shareholders with resumed voting rights at the period- end (if any) 0      
Top 10 shareholders            
Name of shareholder Nature of shareholder Sharehol ding percenta ge (%) Number of shares held Number of restricted shares held Shares in pledge or frozen  
          Status Shares
Midea Holding Co., Ltd. Domestic non- 30.85 2,169,178,713   In 100,000,000
  state-owned corporation       pledg e  
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited Foreign corporation 19.97 1,404,332,481   - -
China Securities Finance Co., Ltd. Domestic non- state-owned corporation 2.82 198,145,134   - -
Fang Hongbo Domestic individual 1.66 116,990,492 87,742,869 - -
Central Huijin Asset Management Ltd. State-owned corporation 1.26 88,260,460   - -
Huang Jian Domestic individual 1.23 86,170,000   - -
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board- own funds (stock exchange) Foreign corporation 0.77 54,007,196   - -
Li Jianwei Foreign individual 0.65 45,591,545   - -
UBS AG Foreign corporation 0.63 44,033,057   - -
Temasek Fullerton Alpha Pte Ltd Foreign corporation 0.52 36,841,885   - -
Top 10 non-restricted shareholders            
Name of shareholder Number of non-restricted shares held at the period- end Type of shares        
    Type Shares      
Midea Holding Co., Ltd. 2,169,178,713 RMB common stock 2,169,178,713      
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited 1,404,332,481 RMB common stock 1,404,332,481      
China Securities Finance Co., Ltd. 198,145,134 RMB common stock 198,145,134      
Central Huijin Asset Management Ltd. 88,260,460 RMB common stock 88,260,460      
Huang Jian 86,170,000 RMB common stock 86,170,000      
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board- own funds (stock exchange) 54,007,196 RMB common stock 54,007,196      
Li Jianwei 45,591,545 RMB common stock 45,591,545      
UBS AG 44,033,057 RMB common stock 44,033,057      
Temasek Fullerton Alpha Pte Ltd 36,841,885 RMB common stock 36,841,885      
Yuan Liqun 36,337,100 RMB common stock 36,337,100      
Explanation of related relationship or/and acting-in- concert parties among the above-mentioned shareholders N/A          
Explanation on the top 10 common shareholders participating in securities margin trading The Company’s shareholder Yuan Liqun holds 6,002,100 shares in the Company through her common securities account and 30,335,000 shares in the Company through her account of collateral securities for margin trading, representing a total holding of 36,337,100 shares in the Company.          
Special account for repurchased shares among the top 10 shareholders 118,366,752 shares (or 1.68% of the Company’s total share capital) were held in the special account for repurchased shares of Midea Group Co., Ltd. at the end of the Reporting Period.          
2.2 Total number of preference shareholders and shareholdings of the top 10 preference shareholders at the period-end
□Applicable √N/A
3. Other significant events
□Applicable √N/A

4. Financial statements
4.1 Financial statements
Consolidated and Company Balance Sheets

Prepared by Midea Group Co. Ltd. As at 30 September 2023 Unit: RMB’000

ASSETS 30 September 2023 31 December 2022 30 September 2023 31 December 2022
  Consolidated Consolidated Company Company
Current assets:        
Cash at bank and on hand 68,099,578 55,270,099 26,000,601 28,492,401
Financial assets held for trading 10,961,011 3,284,593 7,316,970 274,120
Derivative financial assets 473,550 665,484 - -
Notes receivable 5,108,524 4,758,129 - -
Accounts receivable 35,752,203 28,237,973 - -
Receivables financing 16,935,626 13,526,540 - -
Advances to suppliers 3,876,761 4,367,211 40,382 34,724
Contract assets 4,838,145 4,498,956 - -
Loans and advances 13,506,003 14,138,756 - -
Other receivables 1,942,571 2,211,177 24,639,376 26,175,101
Inventories 33,379,154 46,044,897 - -
Current portion of non-current assets 39,828,068 37,553,078 34,483,343 33,168,421
Other current assets 38,560,284 46,542,378 26,512,094 33,476,601
Total current assets 273,261,478 261,099,271 118,992,766 121,621,368
Non-current assets:        
Other debt investments 6,265,554 11,094,259 3,306,144 7,215,301
Long-term receivables 641,523 614,598 - -
Loans and advances 930,113 693,294 - -
Long-term equity investments 4,991,656 5,188,817 74,697,610 73,103,569
Investments in other equity instruments 41,228 41,359 - -
Other non-current financial assets 9,189,870 10,625,244 293,453 347,698
Investment properties 1,363,365 809,936 404,262 386,435
Fixed assets 28,676,370 26,082,992 1,318,758 1,223,553
Construction in progress 6,020,835 3,843,777 672,066 504,757
Right-of-use assets 2,844,183 2,339,878 2,945 8,040
Intangible assets 18,378,522 16,908,915 642,871 653,320
Goodwill 29,954,519 28,548,653 - -
Long-term prepaid expenses 1,620,475 1,579,899 74,746 85,109
Deferred tax assets 12,927,864 10,244,296 285,405 327,251
Other non-current assets 67,912,424 42,840,079 62,512,635 35,423,939
Total non-current assets 191,758,501 161,455,996 144,210,895 119,278,972
TOTAL ASSETS 465,019,979 422,555,267 263,203,661 240,900,340

Consolidated and Company Balance Sheets (Cont’d)

Prepared by Midea Group Co. Ltd. As at 30 September 2023 Unit: RMB’000

LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 30 September 2023 31 December 2022 30 September 2023 31 December 2022
  Consolidated Consolidated Company Company
Current liabilities:        
Short-term borrowings 12,494,727 5,169,480 400,000 -
Customer deposits and deposits from banks and other financial institutions 118,328 77,469 - -
Financial liabilities held for trading 1,321,567 1,580,771 - -
Derivative financial liabilities 211,314 234,606 - -
Notes payable 18,635,368 25,572,421 - -
Accounts payable 71,440,916 64,233,225 - -
Contract liabilities 29,041,409 27,960,038 - -
Employee benefits payable 6,998,153 7,152,217 108,554 173,824
Taxes payable 6,587,520 4,955,335 549,747 718,181
Other payables 4,165,077 4,322,025 186,392,250 159,953,351
Current portion of non-current liabilities 20,454,107 7,240,626 12,423,498 5,896,701
Other current liabilities 72,366,510 57,843,528 42,383 77,066
Total current liabilities 243,834,996 206,341,741 199,916,432 166,819,123
Non-current liabilities:        
Long-term borrowings 38,727,279 50,685,948 9,000,000 15,619,900
Bonds payable 3,238,127 3,163,616 - -
Lease liabilities 1,982,211 1,507,480 - 2,350
Provisions 670,072 394,977 - -
Deferred income 1,997,774 1,721,092 190,758 152,548
Long-term employee benefits payable 1,289,707 1,488,456 - -
Deferred tax liabilities 4,987,523 4,647,673 - -
Other non-current liabilities 30,033 680,482 - -
Total non-current liabilities 52,922,726 64,289,724 9,190,758 15,774,798
Total liabilities 296,757,722 270,631,465 209,107,190 182,593,921
Shareholders’ equity:        
Share capital 7,030,771 6,997,273 7,030,771 6,997,273
Capital surplus 21,368,056 19,693,139 29,556,089 27,826,208
Less: Treasury stock (13,406,249) (14,933,944) (13,406,249) (14,933,944)
Other comprehensive income (372,801) 108,289 1,892 (5,679)
General risk reserve 679,682 671,999 - -
Special reserve 17,120 16,350 - -
Surplus reserve 10,702,928 10,702,928 10,702,928 10,702,928
Undistributed profits 130,207,384 119,679,202 20,211,040 27,719,633
Total equity attributable to shareholders of the Company 156,226,891 142,935,236 54,096,471 58,306,419
Minority interests 12,035,366 8,988,566 - -
Total shareholders’ equity 168,262,257 151,923,802 54,096,471 58,306,419
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 465,019,979 422,555,267 263,203,661 240,900,340

Legal representative: Principal in charge of accounting: Head of accounting department:
Fang Hongbo Zhong Zheng Chen Lihong
Consolidated and Company Income Statements

Prepared by Midea Group Co. Ltd. For the nine months ended 30 September 2023 Unit: RMB’000

Item For the nine months ended 30 September 2023 For the nine months ended 30 September 2022 For the nine months ended 30 September 2023 For the nine months ended 30 September 2022
  Consolidated Consolidated Company Company
Total revenue 292,379,658 271,775,057 807,741 1,128,972
Including: Operating revenue 291,110,510 270,366,753 807,741 1,128,972
Interest income 1,268,673 1,407,722 - -
Fee and commission income 475 582 - -
Total operating cost (260,261,351) (243,771,100) 343,587 618,929
Including: Cost of sales (215,876,420) (206,530,717) (30,606) (31,123)
Interest costs (21,818) (35,457) - -
Fee and commission expenses (2,027) (1,721) - -
Taxes and surcharges (1,325,457) (1,155,550) (25,709) (11,208)
Selling and distribution expenses (25,346,676) (21,196,708) - -
General and administrative expenses (9,337,069) (8,044,890) (1,030,915) (922,674)
Research and development expenses (10,013,534) (8,916,512) - -
Financial income 1,661,650 2,110,455 1,430,817 1,583,934
Including: Interest expenses (2,285,139) (1,269,255) (2,232,397) (1,952,684)
Interest income 5,113,637 4,256,895 3,671,077 3,545,017
Add: Other income 1,414,310 1,274,084 30,588 19,594
Investment income 505,083 862,732 8,577,756 5,999,505
Including: Investment income from associates and joint ventures 620,966 478,015 178,044 207,222
Gains/(Losses) on changes in fair value 118,137 (1,042,032) 87,451 (161,751)
Asset impairment losses (172,481) (195,425) - -
Credit impairment losses (181,670) (236,992) 697 1,477
Losses on disposal of assets (21,985) (3,640) (86) (281)
Operating profit 33,779,701 28,662,684 9,847,734 7,606,445
Add: Non-operating income 183,740 292,601 9,555 33,677
Less: Non-operating expenses (181,097) (71,626) (371) (10,286)
Total profit 33,782,344 28,883,659 9,856,918 7,629,836
Less: Income tax expenses (5,495,255) (4,189,933) (183,895) (287,458)
Net profit 28,287,089 24,693,726 9,673,023 7,342,378
(1) Classified by continuity of operations        
Net profit from continuing operations 28,287,089 24,693,726 9,673,023 7,342,378
Net profit from discontinued operations - - - -
(2) Classified by ownership of the equity        
Attributable to shareholders of the Company 27,717,481 24,469,921 9,673,023 7,342,378
Minority interests 569,608 223,805 - -
Other comprehensive income, net of tax (543,238) 2,314,988 7,571 4,838
Other comprehensive income attributable to equity owners of the Company, net of tax (481,090) 2,332,017 7,571 4,838
(1) Other comprehensive income items which will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss (11,761) 236,579 - -
1) Changes arising from remeasurement of defined benefit plan (11,761) 233,662 - -
2) Changes in fair value of investments in other equity instruments - 2,917 - -
(2) Other comprehensive income items which will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss (469,329) 2,095,438 7,571 4,838
1) Other comprehensive income that will be transferred subsequently to profit or loss 17,323 26,369 7,571 4,838
under the equity method        
2) Cash flow hedging reserve (556,111) 381,971 - -
3) Differences on translation of foreign currency financial statements 84,630 1,687,098 - -
4) Other (15,171) - - -
Other comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders, net of tax (62,148) (17,029) - -
Total comprehensive income 27,743,851 27,008,714 9,680,594 7,347,216
Attributable to equity owners of the Company 27,236,391 26,801,938 9,680,594 7,347,216
Attributable to minority interests 507,460 206,776 - -
Earnings per share:        
(1) Basic earnings per share (RMB Yuan) 4.06 3.59 Not applicable Not applicable
(2) Diluted earnings per share (RMB Yuan) 4.05 3.58 Not applicable Not applicable
Legal representative: Principal in charge of accounting: Head of accounting department: (未完)